and I Do

  • FrontEnd

  • BackEnd

  • Development

The Services I offer


Several years of experience of corporate-level server-side programming using languages such as Node.js and PHP combined with database technologies like MongoDB and MySQL to build complex applications with priorities in efficiency and code maintainability.


Well versed in JavaScript/TypeScript as well as various JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as React, Svelte, Angular, Express, and NextJS. Extensive knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and general web standards, ensuring my code remains highly efficient while maximizing user experience.

Content Management Systems

Built and deployed a large variety of websites using various content management systems such as Wordpress and Joomla. Industries range from retail and medical, to staffing and food service.

Critical Thinking

Have collaborated heavily on many different projects requiring constant input and critical thinking. I have a solid grasp of MVC concepts and object-oriented programming. There is no problem that can't be solved and no code that can't be improved.

I Am Brett Connolly

I'm a JavaScript developer living in Orlando, Florida. I have worked with companies like CHEP, VGlobalTech, Xulon Press, Marriott Vacations Worldwide and Envy Labs. Web development is not just a job for me, it's a passion.

View my Works



JavaScript/ TypeScript




JavaScript Frameworks




Personal Drive

Languages, Frameworks, and Technologies

Fluency and comfort level on a scale of 1 to 5




Frameworks & Libraries


Other Technologies and Skills

The works I am proud of


My Projects

My GitHub repository containing all of my projects and code.

Keep in mind the age of certain projects when browsing as many of them are old and don't reflect my current skill level.


React App

Salubrity is a live web application that I built for Vascular Access Solutions, which provide vascular services to hospitals, such as lab draws and insertion procedures to troubleshooting and dressing changes. The Salubrity application assists them with all of their daily operations, such as adding calls, managing and recording procedures, and allowing for live analytics, tracking, and management of this data.

The most important part of this application is ease of use. Since nurses usually have their hands full, the app strives to simplify every single interaction to a single button click and minimize the UI enough so nurses can quickly and easily find the fields they need and move between records with ease.

Salubrity was originally built with NodeJS and Express and I have begun refactoring it to use NextJS (a React framework) with MongoDB for the database. The app uses an AJAX-based REST API to handle all data retrieval. I am in the process of converting the application over to Typescript and improving and optimizing the code, as the project was my first commercial application built using and learning React. I have learned more about best practices since and want to challenge myself to improve the application with my current knowledge and understanding.

Best when viewed in a portrait format (built for use on smartphones). You can resize your browser window to a smaller portrait-based width for the best experience.

Marriott Vacations Worldwide

Sales Center Technology

Sales Center Technology

Working with a team of 3 other developers with the creation and maintenance of Marriott Vacation Club's Sales Center Technology. The application assists company sales representatives in the process of selling vacations and timeshares and has significantly increased sales conversion rates since its implementation.

The application is built to work offline, thus, all assets are downloaded ahead of time to prevent internet connectivity issues while live selling in the field. This application is built using a dynamic JSON structure (delivered via a Java-based server) that allows the company to create any number of presentations, including whichever modules they would like within those presentations, while also being adaptable to other language translations.

I primarily work in JavaScript, while using HTML and CSS to mimic the mockups created by our designer. I have personally built 2 modules from scratch (points calendar and weeks calculator) and refactored a previously existing module (the vacation planner) replacing 90% of the previous code with a much improved version allowing for greater code maintainability and run-time efficiency.

I have been tasked with coding a wide variety of functionality. I've created scripts to build a 'print view' in a new window to be PDF compatible. I have created modules that follow specific and complicated functionality based on strict business rules involving precise calculations from various data sources. I have built my code to be maintainable and highly efficient, using CSS transitions for animations, whenever possible, and using coding best practices.

I also spearheaded the initiative to wrap our application with ElectronJS, which is a software that is used to build desktop applications using the NodeJS runtime for the back-end and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end. We used this software to bundle our Sales Center Technology application, and also spin off other processes, one of which is a map-tile server for use in our Map modules that use Open Street Maps data for live map navigation based on popular tourist spots.


SvelteJS App

tc lien search logo

An app built for my sister's company TCLienSearch.

Invoicify takes in an Excel file and dynamically builds and pre-fills forms with that data. The Excel file becomes the app's single source of truth and allows the administrator to continually update that client's data and print additional forms as that data becomes available.

Some forms have unique functionality, like the Invoice form which allows additional line items to be added and calculations will update in real time. The main page contains a global styling component to allow for modifying CSS styles and applying them to all pages and forms. Ultimately, the app is intended to be saved as a PDF via the print dialog and form styling accounts for proper page breaks and even let's the administrator apply them manually on the 'Search Results Form'.

Invoicify was built using the Svelte (SvelteKit) JavaScript framework with TypeScript and uses SheetJS for processing the Excel file. The live application does not have a server backend other than GitHub Pages on which it is hosted for serving the static build files.


Xulon Press

Xulon Press's spiritual successor to their original Einstein backend employee dashboard

Worked with a group of 8 other developers from many different disciplines to create an entirely new employee dashboard completely from scratch using the Laravel 4 MVC Framework (PHP) along with AngularJS and jQuery.

I was personally responsible for various functionality including file uploading, AJAX enrichment, project note scripts, CRUD operations and database schema planning, along with maintaining a constant feedback loop with my supervisor and relevant employees.

** Code and sample viewing unavailable due to project confidentiality agreement with Xulon Press **


Stardew Valley Helper

NextJS/React App

An app for calculating crop and Artisan Good data for the game Stardew Valley.

By default, the application will automatically calculate all values pertaining to an item based on the official wiki (https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Stardew_Valley_Wiki).

The user may also opt-in to enter values themselves, for those that prefer self-discovery just with a little bit of help.

This app was built using NextJS (a React framework) with Typescript. The app uses localStorage to persist user data across sessions. Twitter Bootstrap was used for some basic styling, but the rest is custom.

App was built to be responsive, but was mainly designed with mobile in mind, thus, it won't look as good on large, horizontal displays. Please view using a smartphone or shrink your browser window to emulate a mobile (potrait) orientation.


Pokemon: Pick My Team

Svelte App

A web application that automatically builds a version-specific team of Pokemon. This app will try to combine as many type combinations as possible to give you as diverse a team as possible. This is a handy tool for people that participate in "Nuzlocke" runs and like to challenge themselves by selecting their team for them and preventing the player from simply acquiring the objectively most over-powered Pokemon (mythical and legendaries).

This app was built using the Svelte Javascript component framework and pulled it's initial data from the "PokeAPI" RESTful API using GraphQL. App is hosted on Vercel.



React App

Ever been at your favorite club and want to request a song but don't want to interrupt the great time you're having with your friends or have to make the long trek across the club to scribble down your song on a piece of paper which the DJ may or may not ever see?

I created 'MeJ' (play on the acronym 'DJ') as a modern-day substitute for the archaic process of manually writing in song requests.

MeJ allows individual venues and DJs to create their own accounts and provide their users with a live request list by providing a unique URL for the current playlist.

Feature's of MeJ:

  • Customers can search for nearly any song (MeJ leverages the Spotify API) and add them to the current playlist they are viewing
  • To prevent duplication, requests for a song that was already added will simply add a thumbs up or 'vote' to that song
  • User's/DJs can sort the list using a variety of criteria such as 'time added', 'song already played', and 'number of votes'
  • Venues/DJs have their own admin panel to give them full control over the playlist, such as adding/removing songs, marking songs as 'played', creating new playlists or switching to previously made ones, getting unique playlist URLs to post on websites or social media for patrons to easily access, and even inputting drink specials which will show in a pop-up to the user upon first visit each night.

MeJ was built using the React JavaScript framework, Node/Express, and MongoDB while also accessing the Spotify API for music search capabilities.

App is hosted on Heroku's free plan. Please allow up to 30 seconds for Node server to wake up.


Galaga Clone

Phaser.js Game

A hobby project to try rebuilding Galaga in the Phaser.js HTML5 game framework

stardew valley mod

Stardew Valley Mods

Game Mod

Various mods I have created for Stardew Valley on PC (also usable on Android).

"Dynamic Crops" is a gameplay overhaul mod that dynamically pseudo-randomizes various crop and seed properties on each individual save file, such as crop sell and seed purchase prices, harvest times, extra yield chance, and even regrowth capability to force the player to figure out the crop "meta" on their own (not being able to Google the objectively best crops).

"Fine, I Will Go Make My Own Seeds" is a gameplay overhaul mod which requires much harder ingredients to craft the seed maker and raises the prices of seeds in shops to unprofitable levels. The player must instead rely on my other seed conversion mods (listed below) in order to acquire seeds.

"Mixed Seed Kiln" allows players to convert stone, fiber, or wood into mixed seeds.

"Fish-2-Seed Processor" allows players to convert fish and crustaceans into farmable seeds.

"Mining-2-Seed Processor" allows players to convert minerals, ore, and monster loot into farmable seeds.

Built with the .NET framework and C# on top of the SMAPI Stardew Valley modding API or other Stardew Framework APIs.

subnautica mod

Subnautica Mod

Game Mod

Built a custom mod "More Leviathan Spawns" for Subnautica on PC.

Subnautica is an exploration-based crafting game set on an alien ocean planet upon which your ship mysteriously crash lands due to a systems malfunction. The player must make use of the environment and wildlife in order to survive and figure out what happened and the mysteries surrounding this peculiar planet. The core gameplay loop centers around acquiring materials to fabricate tools and vehicles to help you navigate this ocean world pushing you further and deeper from the safety of your escape pod, forcing the player to come face to face with both breathtaking fauna and unspeakable aquatic horrors.

I created the "More Leviathan Spawns" mod to reintroduce the intense joy and fear of that first playthrough of Subnautica by adding additional leviathan spawns, the largest and most dangerous creatures in the game. My mod works by using a large list of hand-picked coordinates of possible places for these creatures to spawn and picks a certain number of those spawn points, at random, at the start of a new save file. The mod comes with an in-game menu for modifying the intensity of the spawn rates for both Ghost and Reaper leviathans, and an option for the spawn locations to randomize each time the save file is loaded rather than only once when the save file is created, which is the default. The mod essentially works by creating an XML file in the save folder to serialize the options set by the player, then reloads that XML file each time the player re-opens that save file.

This project is written in C# within the .NET framework.



Spotify App

Personal project built around this premise:

Have you ever been browsing music on your favorite music app and hear an awesome new song from an artist you love only to realize the album it was on came out over 6 months ago? It's nearly impossible to keep up with all my favorite artists so that's why I created Chronoalbums; a simple application that will gather all the artists in your Spotify library then sort all their albums in chronological order

  • Leverages Spotify API
  • Uses Vanilla JavaScript and latest EcmaScript features (no jQuery)
  • Uses Fetch API for AJAX requests
  • Handles Authorization Tokens

NOTE:Rate limiting may cause the app to not work properly or take longer. This is a known issue due to the limits of using a free developer account.

App is hosted on Heroku's free plan. Please allow up to 30 seconds for Node server to wake up.



JS Game

Rebuilt Blackjack as a browser-based game using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

Added media queries for both desktop and mobile for improved user experience.


NextJS Todo App


A moderately complex todo app covering all CRUD operations.

Uses NextJS built on top of ReactJS using Postgresql with Prisma.


JavaScript 30

30 Day Challenge

Various projects following the JavaScript 30 Challenge by Wes Bos.

Basically, each day tackles a completely different JavaScript challenge.

All projects are meant to help build new skills or reinforce already existing knowledge of vanilla JavaScript without use of external libraries.


Bates and Company

Mobile App

Bates and Company's iOS and Android applications.

Built using Adobe Phonegap and the Apache Cordova for creating cross-platform web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Application leverages platform APIs to:

  • Open address in user's default map/directions program
  • Open user's default email application with predefined email criteria
  • Open phone number in user's default phone application
  • Leverage the in-app-browser to allow user's access to company's Sharefile portal

Grid Screensaver

Vanilla JavaScript

A grid-based screensaver that allows for numerous options for modifying it's behavior.

This screensaver extensively uses ES6 features and syntax, uses no libraries, and leverages the use of CSS transition and transition listeners to create a very smooth series of animations not only between entire pages, but between individual grid item images on each page.

Grid will dynamically size itself based on portrait or landscape orientation. Code allows user to opt-in to different layouts, and will also dynamically choose the correct images and sizes depending on the ratios of the individual grid sections, on load.

Mother's Day E-Card

CSS Animations

A Mother's Day E-Card built using CSS animations. No libraries used.

LoveThroughChrist V2

Dating Site

A free Christian dating website.

A dating website for Christians that combines many features of popular dating websites, such as:

  • Facebook integration for pre population of profile data as well as allowing users to choose photos and videos from Facebook for use on their profiles.
  • Users may set preferences for searching, which finds users within a specified distance of the user's hometown location (Google Maps API).
  • Users cannot message another user unless they have sent them a 'wink'.
  • Live feedback of new activity such as new messages and 'winks'.
  • Persistent/live saving for most data (unless specified).
  • Allows users to write testimonials for friends or dates which require approval from user before posting to their profile.

This is the 2nd version of my dating website. Originally built using the MEAN stack, I rebuilt the application from scratch using the Meteor Full-Stack JavaScript Framework built on Node. Uses MongoDB for database storage. Meteor makes use of data subscriptions, predictive database updates, and leverages the use of web sockets to allow for a very fast and seamless experience for users with all data changes, relevant to a user, happening in real-time.

Use of Git for source code management, Mongolab for MongoDB hosting and Digital Ocean for app hosting.

I'm no longer hosting this application but can provide source code for inspection, if desired.

Crazy Conveyor

Physics-Based Web Game

A physics-based web game.

A web game that tasks users with throwing red blocks off the production line while leaving the green ones. For each green block thrown off or for each red block that reaches the chute, the player loses a point. For each green block that reaches the chute, the player earns a point.

Built using the Matter.js JavaScript physics engine and API.

Portfolio Physics Demo

Physics Demo

A physics-based mini-project

An interactive, portfolio-based JavaScript application.

Built using the Matter.js JavaScript physics engine and API.


Dating Site

A free Christian dating website.

A dating website for Christians that combines many features of popular dating websites, such as:

  • Facebook integration for pre population of profile data as well as allowing users to choose photos and videos from Facebook for use on their profiles.
  • Users may set preferences for searching, which finds users within a specified distance of the user's hometown location (Google Maps API).
  • Users cannot message another user unless they have sent them a 'wink'.
  • Live feedback of new activity such as new messages and 'winks'.
  • Persistent/live saving for most data (unless specified).
  • Allows users to write testimonials for friends or dates which require approval from user before posting to their profile.

A personal project built from scratch using the MEAN.io fullstack framework boilerplate, which includes MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node. The site is an ongoing work on progress and a way for me to continue learning these technologies and new techniques and concepts within them.

Use of Git for source code management, Mongolab for Mongo hosting and Heroku for app hosting.

NOTE: I am no longer hosting the Angular (MEAN stack) version of this site and have since rebuilt it using the Meteor framework. The source still exists on Github if code inspection is desired.

Image Feed

Vanilla JavaScript

A simple image feed slider that allows the user to change different settings from the settings menu (click menu tab on left) and control the slideshow itself (click anywhere on page to show slideshow controls)

This simple project was an effort to create an elegant slideshow that uses smooth transitions, such as fades between slides, and translates of settings and slideshow menus while using CSS transitions and vanilla JavaScript (no libraries).

Although the page is best viewed in landscape, the feed does support various window sizes to fit it's content

Images are loaded from the "Picsum" API and order is randomized on each new load.

Object-Oriented JavaScript

Form Validation

Simple form validation using object-oriented JavaScript

Responsive Custom Wordpress Theme


A small project to recreate the Ascentus website using only Photoshop files for generating assets and as a point of reference for site design. Development environment involved use of Node.js and Grunt.js for compiling SASS, linting HTML, and minifying scripts using Uglify.js and other relevant packages.

Site was converted to a custom Wordpress theme and provides different styles for both desktop and mobile (breakpoint at 699 pixels).

The site features 100% custom hover and scroll-based animations and transitions. As an added feature, users may type the word 'mario' on the website to display an 'easter egg' animation.

DISCLAIMER: This was a test project for potential applicants based on a previous version of their website. I am not allowed to host this due to copyright issues since I do not own any of the assets contained within, however, the zip file containing this entire project can be found in this git repository via pages-> ascentus -> ascentus.zip

Financial Forest

Fin Cap Dev

"Leave paycheck-to-paycheck life behind with Financial Forest. This goal-setting app will help you save one month of expenses. Enter your average monthly spending and a target date. You'll receive your weekly savings assignment by text message. Save money and grow with us."

Worked with 3 other colleagues to build a financial planning phone application for the Fin Cap Dev competition held in San Francisco, California in the middle of June 2013, to compete against 12 other finalists. We recieved Honorable Mention putting us in 4th place and alotting our team a $5000 prize.

I was personally responsible for the back-end development of our application. We employed extensive use of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, PHP and MYSQL. We deployed the application onto the Google Play store using the Adobe Phonegap Build framework.


Image Upload App

Laravel 4

A sample site built using the Laravel 4 PHP framework.

Site handles user login and signup, along with authentication and allows users to upload and delete images (pending).

Songrize - Original

Custom CSS Animations

Custom site built using custom CSS animatons and transitions. Design and animations all created by me.

Code Quiz

Brett Connolly

"A simple responsive application that quizzes users on various programming languages.

Uses HTML5/CSS3, and jQuery. Questions and answers are pulled from a dynamically changing JSON document. Questions are rearranged so users don't get the exact same order of questions each time.

CHEP Mobile App


Allows company executives the ability to browse confidential corporate data on or offline using a mobile device (although it was optimized for any viewing device).

An application I built at my internship at CHEP. The purpose of this project was to build a jQuery mobile based web application that dynamically generates it's content through the parsing of an external JSON file. I employed use of the Local Storage function in HTML5 to allow for offline browsing of my application.

Personal Logo

Brett Connolly

Most recent logo redesign. Created using Adobe Illustrator.


University of Central Florida

Grabbing first place in my class competition, this shopping application allows users to scan products (native only) which are added onto a persistent application shopping cart which keeps an ongoing total of items added to the user's cart. Features include store specific pricing, product information updates allowed by the user, dynamic computations based on user input and coupon/discount entry.

I was the sole back-end developer for this project. I used HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, PHP and MYSQL technologies along with parsing JSON via AJAX API calls to 2 different product APIs for data population.

Knight Scavenger

University of Central Florida

An application that aids UCF students with campus orientation by giving them a photo scavenger hunt to complete with their smartphones. Users must take photographs at the correct locations, aided by live GPS tracking. Scripts allow for individual user image uploads into their own personal, online folders. The application also allows for admin login in order to verify proper user submitted photos.

Was 1 of 2 back-end developers, in which I handled all of the user-based operations and functionality. We used HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, PHP and MYSQL.

Typographic Portrait

University of Central Florida

Created in Matthew Dombrowski's Typographic Design Class at the University of Central Florida

Lee James Floral


Website built during my tenure at VGlobalTech. The site was built using Wordpress and a pre-made template having heavily customized many of the images, jQuery/JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

Hulu App

University of Central Florida

The purpose of this project was to emulate the Hulu Ipad application by employing the use of DOM scripting WITHOUT the use of JQuery to better understand its core use syntax.

Greenpath Energy Solutions


Website built over the course of a month during my tenure at VGlobalTech using the Joomla content management system. Site was built using a Rocketheme template but contains a very large amount of custom code and self created content.

Joomla Portfolio

Brett Connolly

My previous porfolio design built using the Joomla content management system and the Leviathan template from Rockettheme. All artistic assets outside of the template are self created.

Guardian Water Services


Website built during my tenure at VGlobalTech using the Wordpress content management system. Site was built using an elegant theme template. Did a fair amount of customization of html and css.

Other Designs

Brett Connolly

Other designs created throughout the years:


Brett Connolly

This application searches A user's Last.FM account then finds shows for those artists in whichever zipcode is entered by the user. Connects to Last.FM and SongKick APIs to dynamically generate concert list.

Project uses HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, AJAX and PHP.

Other Websites

Brett Connolly

Other websites i've built, either while I was at VGlobalTech or freelancing:






My music

*better with headphones*

YouTube Playlist


Currently Reading

"The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit" - Anonymous

Keep in Touch with me

Feel free to email me at (brett84c@gmail.com). Please provide as much detail as possible for specific job opportunities and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. Thank you!

Brett Connolly
Orlando, FL, 32803

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